Wesleyan University Freshman Day in the Life
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I had her name in my phone fell the wrong way for the first month that we do. Now we're gonna print Aren't music Larry Hubbard so much like a product with first printer retried. It's supposed to snow today when you're still going now in the science building. Now I have more reading to do dishes gonna disappear from your character. So my plan now is to do with the reading for my gut class and chill out in my room for the next while until I have mine. Actually, I really have lately started to enjoy being like, really cozy and just like I don't know. Ever since I did my room tour, which was last week, I, like, changed up like where my plants were. Specifically, I've been, like also trying to keep my room cleaner and everything like that, but just like doing my dishes ahead of time and stuff, and it's just making my life a lot better. I decided to make coffee or some ice coffee, even though it's really cold, because I think that ice coffee is the best way to enjoy coffee. So I always drink coffee even when it's freezing out that I'm gonna prepare that for myself so I could drink it while I'm doing my reading, because I'm trying to do my reading right now in my brain, just like I'm tired. I'm tired and I need caffeine so I'm just about to go to my second and last class of the day of college. Like I'm wearing the same thing's gonna need mine just wearing a different jacket right now, because this is, like, actually warmer than my practice, so Well, okay. This is my first time experiencing New England snow. It's just like peeks snow of Seattle, like last year. Like more than that, Maybe like, it's crazy today use down, which is the dining hall here on campus. They had, like, this cool Thanksgiving thing, and I didn't know about it until, like, yesterday. Like it was just, like, really fun to experience. Yeah, it's basically like I get two Thanksgivings, which is crazy one with my friends here and normal family back out. I've been, like, really social since I got here. I don't think I've ever been this social in my life, mainly because it's not really possible. You're always with people that I could be spending time with. I talked about that in last Friday's video, and it didn't really hit me until this week that I am actually still an introvert. I was kind of like, really weirded out because I was like, Okay, like, am I still an introvert? I realized, like the past two days, I just love spending time alone. I spent like two whole evening's just entirely by myself, and it's really, really what I needed. I'm so glad that I chose to do that because I definitely feel re energized. I think that I've definitely gotten less introverted in terms of like energy. I think that I can go with less alone time now, but not without it entirely. I'm so glad that I did that again and I kind of like, felt like I lost part of my identity as an introvert like It was just like, Is this just not true anymore? But it's definitely still true. Just alone have a soul born and I need to remember lab. Sometimes it definitely feels like I don't do that during the week I was when I spent time of people on the weekends. I really want to be spending time, because that's what everyone's doing it. I think that if I spend more time alone during the week and then allow myself to have, like, a ton of fun during the weekend, maybe that's the way to go. If you did, let me know by leaving, like subscribing them below. I do have a question for you before I And this doesn't snow where you live. I'm honestly not so survived on this content right now. Yeah, like I don't even know what I filmed today. Hopefully, I hope it wasn't trying this whole thing where I actually look at the lens. Like I'm so I struggled a little bit still, but I'm just going to try really, really, really hard. So if you want me to do, like a travel log or something on that, let me know because I will be traveling across the country. Hey, you're just see people right outside your window and they stare at you.