Meet Grace! And hear why she chose Wesleyan
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Um, I'm a rising sun and I'm from Boston area. There are a lot there, like twelve or so pretty great. Then I club called Ash Oh, chance for adolescent sexual health awareness, which our main goal is to go to a local high schools and teaching more comprehensive sex ed, which has been amazing. I was involved with anything like that at my high school, so this has been really great and then chose Wesley for was close to me, which I was really important for me to be able to get. The train is thirty minutes away and kind of expensive and small classes. Give her Milton Academy, which is an independent school and has really small like biggest class. Fifteen years is like, very small, and so there are big lectures that I took interest sight, which was like two hundred people. I think that's the biggest lecture, so But everything else is smaller. Being accessible was another big, important part for me.