Why Wes?
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I am a junior class twenty twenty from Milton, Massachusetts. I study English on Italian studies within the English major. Right? So I wass, um so I was definitely not my first rodeo, okay? It was my first choice, but it was one of the last call I got into my mom Really want immediately. So we came to West fast, and everyone I met was, like like, warm and welcoming and like, really cool. I was kind of convinced then and I also just really liked I don't know, I have The campus was really nicely. Yeah, there's just a lot of reasons like, honest with people. Like that strong feeling during college processes like this is the one place I want. Even as I got in, I wasn't like super sold on any one place. We didn't meet there and you know, everyone just so nice. I feel like this campus is a really interesting, like balance of, like, people are silly and I'm years in a cool way That, like, makes you You feel like you want to be a part of that. Like people have their passions and everyone goes after it really gets really involved in it. That super, like, supported here, which is very special.