Housing at Wes!
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Hi. So right now I'm in my apartment with my roommate and he's actually tour guide. So he's going to explain the whole spiel about, like, housing for all the years. So what is like, the different housing for all the years? So how's you know his latest? Based off what we call aggressive model. See your first year, you're most likely going to be in a traditional dorm with either just first year students or first year students and sophomores. You're most likely going to be in your standard one room double. Just You know, roommate, you always let me have a few triples that are designed to accommodate three people. Or you could also get a single first year with most Jews are enough one double soft warrior. You'll most likely have a single if you're in a dorm or you can live in what we hope, Maria houses. Those are houses that house, usually between like, six. I think the large Aramis about poor students know based on a different theme. Like there's, like, Asian Asian American House, outhouse movement, House music house. The list goes on me about three and my freshman year, which is the only fresh thing I was in the Social Justice House, which is the only one who could do freshman year. Yeah, well, we're socially two hundred church social justice writing block, first use. Kelly asked if you're interested in rain and then West coa, which is aren't simply self expression. Yeah Junior, you can decide to live in a program, Puss again. Or you can decide to live in Junior Billy Trish, Our tour for Chris departments that Caroline, Caroline and I are in those two two percent apartments and then senior you can into the lottery for one of the great houses. Owns over and gets about one hundred thirty thousand one hundred thirty. Yeah, houses on you in a group of between two and six people.