Interview w Amanda
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I'm Amanda, and I am a second year here at Wartburg. Do you know how many students are in the psychology major? You really have to say the number. You could just say it's like a lot O R. A small amount. Why did you choose War Brig for your psychology major? Because they have a lot of teachers from here into the student ratio. So there's more teachers for students that can help you with work. If you don't understand something, what isthe your favor and part about Warburg? Probably how much activity is they're always going on. What's your least favorite part of you? I'm not sure I follow Liege. It's that everyone's always saying hi to you so you can't go anywhere without being alone. Can't say hi to her for some Madres and so So is that how you would also describe the student body they like, say, a very, very friendly. She doesn't like me being friendly thing, Will. As you all now know, Amanda, I could bite it of you.