Sophie and Courtney show you around Greene, and take you through the Lower Quad!
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So a lot of people are kind of off campus right now. We're just shoot your last class, so greenest fairly. Seoul just begin to look like this is a classroom right here. So you can see they're generally small buildings. Green, Take a look at the lower cause beautiful lower cloud and across the lower classes where all the academic buildings are seeking. Kind of get a sense of fact that, like, even if you have, like, a three fifteen passing green, you could make it to your three third class. It's honestly just that are different academic buildings. So you think you can see over there is triple which is English. So as a freshman and sophomore, you'll kind of have classes. I'm in a bunch of these buildings you'll be taking, like your division ALS on which satisfies your liberal arts educations, Dance, English are back in the stuff. Like I said to you, ten a free, good Mr, probably one or two Oops. Then if you ever want to snack during Academic School Day, that building right there Benson that send Food court Mo's chick fillet on Asian Stir Fry Station, Make your own salads station and then one of two sit down restaurants. I'm called Shorty's, and that's like a good place to come if your parents are ever here kind of like a nicer. Then this is just the panel of the lower clouds.