Courtney gives one piece of advice to incoming Freshmen
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On DH, then lastly, if you can give one piece of advice and incoming freshman, what do you think you would say? Yeah, I would say, honestly, I think you start so broad is a freshman like you come in. At least for me, I have no idea what I wanted to do. It sounds kind of shape, but take the classes that you didn't think you were gonna take and honestly, go to a meeting for a club that I'm not sure you're gonna be interested in. Yes, but by starting Broadway force get such an opportunity to, like, try things weren't gonna try. Like that's why we're live or liberal arts, like, out of a liberal arts college. Things goes like socially, like, you know, grab lunch with people dissolves, and you don't have your set group of friends doing back on the been friends since kindergarten. Like, grab lunch with someone random were like, um go on, like, be bold. Everyone's in the same boat like wanting to get to know as many people as they can kind of like find their college like people say, it's a fresh start. More than anything, it's just a chance to try anything. This and you're gonna find your niche things by senior year, and you're gonna have your friend group. I'm like Wake offers, like so many different opportunities for students and really just take advantage of them completely lovely. Then one thing I would say, in my opinion, also being freshmen, it's good office hours. That's trying something new because maybe to meet Professor.