Walking Through Williams Hall

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This all many used for a psychology majors, psychology classes Because architecture Major, I'm not really in here, but I've been here a couple times for dance practices. So So just one of several different type of classroom styles are Virginia. Just move these desk, like, stack them on top of each other or move them out into the hall. Which got We just gotta make sure that we don't like, block the other doors because I know when my friends had practices in here, she got in trouble for, like, blocking one of the professors doors. So let me show you the other parts of business building no. So like at this and of the heart and again on the next flight of it's like they're real. Yeah, It's basically like a loophole, kind of cute kind of magic, like my high school building. I don't seem not much, considering I can't get into any of those rooms. Another classroom building if your psychology major thinking about taking Virginia Tech books.