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Showing you Patton Hall
This hall is literally one of the cutest and most charming buildings on campus. Originally a building meant for offices, this hall was converted into the Civil Engineering Building. The wood framing around the doors and windows and a nook area to sit, this building maintains it's old character even in Virginia Tech's rapidly expanding campus.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So a fun fact about Pan Hall is that it's only for civil engineering students and not a very big ball, because it was once in office registers for the professors. Now they converted it into my classroom buildings. That's a couple of friends during the civil engineering program in its ranks really well. Yeah, I really like your friends on these stores. We talked now keep its characteristic even though Richard and think it's constantly trying to keep renovating buildings around here and with my favorite parts about this building back what? I just hung up on the wall. Please keep looking nice and keeps the character of the building here.
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