Let's hear what Mandy has to say!

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So she's also student here, averaging your tech. So what's your major again? Biochemistry can do so can explain. What exactly do you do on campus? Only how classes are. Um, I guess I usually just come on campus in time for my class, and then I say on campus until I'm done with classes and maybe I'll like, eat, And then I get home right after. I don't know because isn't coming to, like, huge. So I would say that I spent, like, at least maybe three hours per class. So what made you want to choose Virginia taking sort of like that other schools you applied to? Oh, my Trans Virginia Tech because I born into go to Virginia Tech ever since my brother went here. I pretty much did have any other college in mind. So didn't you brother get maybe here? Yeah, my brother got married in it, So yeah, there are more places to get married besides War Memorial Chapel as well. Um, so there's kind of shady, but we're just in their car. Do you have any faces? Um, I guess make the best out of your four years or I guess five years here or however long you're here for don't take, like, the time you have here for granted, because it does go by so fast.