West Grace South Dorm Tour

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Welcome back to my channel, or welcome to my channel. Today I'm going to be filming a door tour and I go to Virginia Commonwealth University. I live in West Gray's south for the years of 2017 2018. Um, and I'm gonna show you what our student apartment look like here. Oh, here we have a washer and dryer checks can recycling our kitchen. So it comes with a stow, the dish washer I see and a full size refrigerated. Then we just have a whole bunch of storage up here. This is my We brought our own Russia wave a little coffee and toaster. Here's more food, and he's supplies Tupperware back. Me, um, and all the furniture came with the apartment. Cute little decorations she's Yeah, that's just over the Communist Two left. Because tampons traveling some lotion, straightener some more happening, clean stuff. Tomorrow keeps his little travel to go right there in a toilet ironing board that we brought and then nothing too fancy. I have more shoes inside that purple, I think more shoes here. Tovar on keeps a lot of his clothes, a huge his clothes about 1st 2 joys. Then I have, like, shorts and stuff on the bottom. Then all this is jackets, sweaters, just stuff like dresses that should be hung up. Then I was so lucky to get so many comforters to my family, so I just keep them all up there, And it also right here. That's just like Okay, so here, Henry does I just have Oh, what school supplies like, keep like that. Then I have my little calendar appeared just like a whole bunch of stuff from the year that Keith. Then if you don't know me, I am obsessed with hugs. My boyfriend got me this cute little pug, the flower crown. So when I wake up, I see him and I'm just like I said my day off. Other than that, I just keep my laundry basket and it is filled to the top because today and then my bed, his comforter is from And then I got to stay so cute. Um Then I have these lights, like, sometimes you want a bright light. I'm not lazy on energy state, and she's happy. Then right here I used to have a sticky note wall. It was like a scheduled for me in a captain von Trapp? A little. I have my lamp and I keep my water rushing Headphones. Some No, just, uh, that I can't books and then a picture of me first computer and my many my computer. I have some more that I have some more clothes in alarm clock and then back here I just have more stories. Like I came in a little table behind there have, like, fins and stuff. Then here I just have this have little drawers like this one for all my shirts and this warms for, like, sweatshirts and stuff. Then I have my favorite slippers Mary Emojis and that a little school because I'm so short basically that he's it. If I sit, three friends nail you just get your mail here. We have steady, okay? Just basically instead of going toe, they just have, like, a little study rooms where you think your homework like social lounges, game rooms, air hockey, a little with of great you on this city. I hope this is helpful for anyone who is going to be see you and wants to know what this storm looks like.