My Average Week in the life at VCU
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What's happening, you guys, This is gonna be my video of my weekend life at PCU. Basically, this year is going to forget how my schedule is just how I get to my classes and stuff. Typically your classes or kind of spirit with days, not like even our days, like how it is in high school, but it will be so many depend on just what day and what causes collide with each other. Your classes Monday, Wednesday, Friday, will be the same. Maybe an additional cuts here and there, but it will most likely be the same and choosing those who will be the same as well, starting off with my first class on Monday Wednesday and Friday. I have Eun If one one twelve, which is an eleven a. M class, you know, one one twelve is basically the best way to spend it. It's English at VCU. Instead of calling it English one one twelve or anything like that, we call English classes unit passes, and basically they're one of the main cast that you need in the university. If you're doing any major, what's over? These are your quiet courses, what they always a teacher, white essays, eighty two main topics and books and literature, and it's a pretty fun class. So if you're going to university and you're like, Oh my God, I'm not ready to go to classes between foreign people. Then I need to prepare you for the kind of lifestyle is And the water itself, I would say, is not so that my second class after unit is coming. Sally is one of my required majors, So I Sally, I take it. That means said class itself is actually really I say it's very easy and very dependent on the phone, she said. He's the one I was telling the big classes where the work itself doesn't matter. I'm Amy take on Monday and Wednesday notice I'm excluding fighting, so if I actually kind of a confusing thing, I'm not gonna spend it now. As and towards the end of it, you got to kind of understand. Like I said, just just help one calkins when those classes where you actually to have put a lot of work onto it. Of course, this has gone, most likely going to be a class that you need to take offensively, doing business for engineering the casts off its A four credit courses like any other math class. What that means is the class length is actually longer than Eddie under classes. Like most classes, you'LL have a son weekly limit. County want itself if you have a good professor, which I highly suggest using my professor, So save your son off. It's amazing, but I ended up getting lucky and getting a good professor this year, that being said, I'm going now Missing class on Tuesday and Thursday, we have to be engine into forty five five here. Will you spend classes? It's C programming I actually needed for Major RC Discussed is not important to some major sports some other majors, but I need it for my major. Like If you're not putting your time to study and do the material, it's gonna be hard to pass the class. I will sally about that as they're all weekly quiz in this course, and it's just it's kind of hectic to study for them. That's engine into forty five nominees class after this is engineer left to forty five through fear now. Besides from major classes, you will have lab re citation and other classes where Sally on seven days this is one of them. So love itself is a classic connects to my coding class. It's a lab where we do projects and things lead to a quick LEM, and the great itself goes to our engine into forty five cuts. It does kind of cost money of you actually paying for college, so you have to take it, Sally, as required. Finally, my last class would have to become one of one. So I can only say this is a class I'm just going to included, as it's my schedule. Maybe for your science classes, I can only answer what any other classes and any other university. What they are is a basic go over what you're learning in the class itself that week. Like I said, Chemistry one No. One is one of those big hectic classes, and we don't know what's going on kind of the kind of school. You don't retain this information is just one of those on classes where sometimes they're great, sometimes they're not. So how do you recommend going to them? If you're lucky, you might get professor Where there'LL be Citation Just go up to a watch. You leave, I ask you kind of don't like it like that. After my classes, I most of time just go home or I go to a study room just to do some homework. So I said, You don't have much footage of my classes. As some of my professor, actually against filming system engineering and my couch as also mainly smaller classes. It's kind of hard to film in a smaller class as your professor is kind of like uneven as you filling in class.