Kelvin and Dymond's Interview
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What made you guys choose VC? Um, the main reason I chose VCU was because it seemed to have the seem to be the best choice for my major. Um, I chose VCU because of its frank and because of the diversity. The student body of E C. U is very type first. I remember at the beginning of freshman year, we have to shut down some of the roads so everyone could get in their dorms. What is your major? And how would you describe your academics in your major? Well, no computer engineering, major, And, uh, the way I would describe it is there is a lot to do, but everything makes sense, and it all works together. So another feels like you're learning any being just because the teachers shine a fill in the time in the class, it's always used for something. So I'm a business major with a focus in entrepreneurship, slash management and the work lewd is surprisingly easy. What is the favor and this? Everything of you? I guess my favorite thing here at BCU would have to be how friendly everybody is. You know, the students, the professors even just like the custodians of the security guards, they're all really nice. You know, You can just seems like you could have a conversation just about anyone you need. As for my least favorite thing, it would have to be how long you have to wait to get food sometimes because the lines are always so long. We have so many people here and, uh, just the cost of food in general too. How about you? I'm so my favorite thing has to be how high tech and like up to date are classrooms and technology is we even have a game room, which I think is really cool for the students. My least favorite thing would probably have to be Initially, I did not like how VCU was in a city as a campus. That is a little overwhelming at times, but overall, I couldn't deal with it.