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I mean, the seventh of January, and I am heading back to my school now to go back to school for the spring semester. I know if you guys watch my last moving log for the fall, you know that I live in South Carolina and I go to school in Richmond, Virginia. So it's a five hour drive there, and I usually I usually drive there every time. So I love to log it because a lot of people have never been down south and a lot of going from stock Carolina to Virginia. So this is very nice to just kind of see the scenic route. Like I said in my last video, I'll be putting up videos every once a week, maybe two videos a week. With my mom and Ridge writing, we're just leaving now. We were supposed to leave, like, two hours ago, but I waited to meet back. So we're just leaving us with this as we travel, I have a lot of axe packed, but it's only because I want you back home to get my stuff. Don't realize is that whenever you pack, that's what you need and you can't really go back and get it for a while. So it's kind of that winter type freezing cold weather. I practiced everything, so I'm going to stay tuned. It makes you subscribe like this video and make sure your pulse notifications on and common Diablo. It's playing Jane City, fixing it up eventually. I don't know, man looks like, but we're unpacking some self a man. So you really good, Mom, I just unpacking and then I'm coming. We just finished taking everything out of my mom's car into my room. Um I'm gonna take him to the library first because she's a woman once, and I've been in school for three years, so it's a very nice library. Yes, I kind of miss it now now that you're driving and I'm seeing the someone familiar with that kind of miss it at first, I wasn't. Now I'm trying to like it's kind of a little bit of a doctor. Parker, Parker does that shirt you coffee? They are. Typical for those of you that I've never been to. That have never been to Richmond is what it looks like. We're about to go inside the library, show my mom something a little B minor, but to me, I enjoy this so well to go in right now and see how my library looks. We're paying the park right now, but this is just a little bit of of this today. Get my mom a tour of my library on the second floor. Yeah, it's a nice That's the competency of the compass. So now that we have gone to the library, the dealio Tecca, we will go get some. Mom, how did you like the library? Yes, it was amazing. We're getting dinner and my mom's face Brewskis. Um, I came here because campus is dead. There's no need for maybe my We're all scared, but choose two miles back tomorrow. Who would not want to say that person's your dorm. We're just coffee and tea because it's better. So we're just gonna in a minute probably big clothes and go grocery shopping. Now, I think I'm gonna do a dorm slash tour, My miss. Lived in three so far, so I kind of like an outlook. Make sure you like comments described and ripples with variations on. I will see you guys next video and everyone have a great master.