Delaney Talks about Student Life
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What's your major? I am an English major with a creative writing minor. Um, why did you choose this school? I chose it because I was initially in university. I was very happy with, and I found that to be social life, busy with something I really needed it, that it offered a lot more in terms of variety within three majors that I want to explore. Do you have any parts that you really like or don't like about me? See you. I really like the variety in terms of courses offered. Like their liberal arts like core allows for a lot of leeway to explore different subjects that you learn about. Is there anything you don't really like about VCU? Something. I think my only issue would be seen sometimes that really likes to push that. It's a diverse school like it's like over diapers, universe really hip and all that. Despite rich making, a predominantly non way dominantly university and people with diverse, but that really just like not. What would you say to anybody who wants to come to BCU? I think it's a really nice place. I think it is definitely somewhere that is very enjoyable. I don't necessarily think that it's a party school, but I also don't think it is super rigid. So I think it's a great, like a little of you, All right, cool.