Elizabeth's Dorm Room

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So I'm going to give you a tour of my dorm room, and I actually have, like, the room across from the corner room. The corner rooms are usually the biggest, um, on any dorm housing building at Vanderbilt. My room layout is kind of unique because it is kind of like indented as you'll see, and I think there was actually a map, so I'll show you what I mean. So this is like the layout of the rooms on the floor, five of Murray House, and but that's basically how most of the rooms in all of the Commons buildings are. So this is our, like common area right here and then, Yeah, double rooms are usually just like straight across like this. You can see if you look closer that this is my room right here, and it's kind of like intent indented right here instead of being like straight. We have like, this little extra space here because there's like the staircase and they had to make room for that. So the corner room I am I was talking about is right here. So like you, Khun, see, it is a bit larger than it's for, say, like these double rooms and size might vary a little between the rooms. Each room has in AA has an air condition troller controlling thing. Unlike, like my house air conditioning, where if he said it to a certain temperature, it'll turn on and off by itself To adjust to that temperature, this you have to turn on, um, you have to turn on high, medium low if you want any air conditioning or heating to come on. You can set the temperature with the thermometer right there. Um, and that's something you should talk with your roommate about at the beginning of the year to decide. Oh, um, this is the temperature that I think we should have a room out. So right now, Iris is at seventy five, which I know like that might be a little warm to other people, but I think, um, on colder days like yesterday was about seventy degrees outside. So I think we actually, like, turn down the temperature a little bit, but today it's also at forty, um, like the late for you. So it kind of turned it up a little, um, and as soon as you walk into our room, unlike the right side, right here is my roommates closet. So you can see, like, that's her closet and we remember trash cans in a little corner. They usually show you the rooms and Hank and we actually call the Hank in ground building, which is another dorm building like hang kowtow because the rooms there I think our largest between, uh, all the dorm buildings and actually the dorms on Lower Quad. So, like Gillette area, those rooms air. I think smaller because, um, a lot of my friends, like, complain about them, but I don't think they're that much smaller than our room. I think Hank is just like, the only, um building that has, like, a general like stereotype about having big rooms. She just did that because of the foreman of our room, because that is the dust out we usually do have already in the room. Because my bed is right here and hers is right there, that it wasn't really a place to put it across like the wall, the dusk, her desks. So she put a drawer to, I think, put both her doors under her bed and then heard she, like, bought an extra dusk, I guess because she, like, thought that wasn't a big enough area. Where she was pretty good at decorating her side of room. So I put one of my drawers under my bed and then, like the rest right here is just for storing purposes. You know, if you're like, if you don't think you need to buy bottled water here, I guess you don't have to You. That's pretty Khun B into have I also got that, um, to use so basically, like food that I might have brought from home. I think when you come into the room, they might be bumped. Then my bed was like, up here, even though it wasn't a bunk bed like hers wasn't underneath or anything. Both of our beds were like up here, so you can actually lower the beds with, like, a hammer thing that they'll give you, so I kind of lower mine. Like, a little higher than hers, whereas she liked can put anything between her bed and her drawers. So my side of the room here's my bad And then my discus. Um, we have two refrigerators, but a lot of the times. Um, but the school has, as far as I know, about having, like, the number of fridges and oh, dorm rooms. This is actually my microwave, but we using both together and then, um, there's, like, right next to my bed, There's like a little rack things. So that's my chair came with the room on DH, then this is one of my drawers. So that's not a thing that a lot of people might think of when they come, Um, too like a college dorm and think of having but super helpful. Yes, oh, that was a tour of our dorm room, and now I'm by the door again. I'll just get, like give you a little view of the map once more to show you what? The room layout.