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Welcome to comments aside, I said earlier, Cummings, the freshman section for a living. My son how to be living in Right now we're the standby house. Right now on the double is built for two students. Almost everyone on Commons will live in a double oven freshman year. There's a few singles in north, and then there's a free, a few triples and all the houses. Remain that you made most likely just get one remains, Harry. If you're wondering my whole British flag because my freshman year. My friends and I went to travel around Europe, we backpacked around. Each of us kind of like chosen country will be visited when he left to take a flag for and I was great. How another band, like basically like a mattress and a blanket and two pillows. We won t tell because I have, like hot chocolate and tea, like some snacks. Everyone advent about will get one desk and two sets of George that everybody gets. That's one of the things that all the students getting their furniture and with additional also have to tell wraps you Amir Thermostat, which is really nice control. How cold you want the room high, medium speed or low hung. This is about the size of the closet going like Get perspective to my height. It's free, spacious, and there are like I've been on my stuff present. Yeah, you'll have a roommate under gave you Khun Select if you want to. Who? Basically over the summer, a lot of people go through remain processes. I found letters over the summer through Facebook messaged me because I'm just, you know, awesome. He's the one film again, so that's why I made that joke. Basically, all the rooms are like this three Nice with a lot of different options. So right now it's a big fuss around who won't live next year whether it be brought into the new house for Cassandra's in a new house or brands going what is typically well, sophomore celebra. Everyone's freaking out about what they want to live. The one the future, but if not gets rivers live with every day.