The Coolest Campus Gym!
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So we're in half acre right now, which is the school's gym. Jim, I'm rejoined by Raina, recently found out that she actually works as a tour guide here, so she knows all that stuff. It was named originally very, very original names here. So this area right here is actually like the whole entire cardio area. So five basket courts, three racquetball words we have from this classroom. Soon as we have over ninety classes a week and you're all free, just like the membership here is free. With three sort of rock climbing wall on individual steam rooms for the locker room hot tub. So he just comes in the hot tub and still say you went to the gym last option. They're here even if you don't like working out. So there's really no reason for any U dub students should not be in shape. So as the way we have a three storey rock climbing wall and I am standing on the third story all the way up. So I didn't want to make people too uncomfortable. I will show you the pool hits, got space for laps, lifeguards for safety, all that good stuff. So that's half acre in this beautiful orange building. It's got tons of resource is for students, and it's all free as long as you have your student, I d..