Let's Listen to Jada Dudley's experience on Campus

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Yeah, so I'm just gonna ask you a couple questions about the campus. Um, what can you start with introducing yourself and, you know, explain a little bit about yourself and why you came to school? OK, My name is Stada to us. Well, at first I was gonna go to, like, actual art school, but I talk with my art teacher from high school. She was like, the best educations can come from art school, but it's good to go to a liberal arts school. So I think where's Julia was, like, the only school that I felt like I was good enough for me and in the art department on my look amazing. So I was like, I was like, Hey, you know, I think I like company, So that's just George cut So if you can just describe a little bit of the student body at the school. I feel that we were all, like, very close, mate, because, Well, you know, when you go to orientation, you need a lot of people that come in with. So when I got here, it was like I was a stranger to everybody. So I feel like, um overall, we were like a close meet any, You know, over time, you become closer with other people that their group with its always like. I feel like it's like a family without your way. You remember that weird intention? You Okay? So what's your major and describe the academic climate on campus? Well, I'm an art major. The comics of being art, it's student is really is not hard. You have to be very consistent when it comes to making deadlines with certain things. Because if you come into the school without having the right scores for was like city. You have to make sure you take it, take your get okays and wants you to get that out the way released like just getting through because, like the classes, not really not hard. They're very inactive, and I really love the studio classes. So you're taking studios are classes and education classes, so it was like it's a lot. If you really like because you stink, really not that bad, so that's good. So what's your favorite and least favorite part of being on campus or at the school? And why? Okay, So my favorite part about being on campus Well, I'm not on campus right now because I live off campus. When I was on campus, I feel like it was the stuff that they had one on in our dorms or living resonates because sometimes they have, like, Nice where we all come together and, like, watch TV together or they have, like, a little certainty. It's like the IRA's hosted whatever I feel like that's one of the best parts. Sometimes you have to light work late in our studio. So you have to make sure that if you're going to stay overnight, make sure like you have somebody with, you know, with you when you go home. It was like, right there really wasn't that bad. So the best apartment at least part is, uh I don't know. I mean, which is true, because you have the you have the dining halls and you have classes like there. What is like being off campus? Me on your own and, like not have paid so much for for Like what? Room board for? Only three more in for a meal plan. It's always like I rather say, Okay, cook my own food in my own place does good like things like refreshment. So it's like you don't really have much of choice at that point until you become like a sophomore and then you can go in. Do what you please because I know when I became yourself straight argue, I want todo. I do regret not living in a in either The center port bout it out didn't really want to live, but either the hopes of Singapore. Hey, really, what university police like they were okay, but he was like you met more people when you're a the oath, instant appoint. So because they're considered, like, the freshman dorm? Yeah, it's always like and then a lot happens on this side of campus and like a lot of activities happen on this on the east side of campus. So it's like in there everybody over there with you on the west side of campus, You got like one Teo. So you get so conditioned to like stating your like not. Not really going, because I barely went to the game. When Kobe came like my tio e never really going there. Like I've never really Actually, I was like, Okay, let me go meet my friend outside of my door. Then on the weekends, the six cl Oh, yeah, like you got to come all the way over here. Just go do something like it was It was tough, but that's good. Can you So thank you guys for watching and thank you for joining us.