Learn something new every day with Courtney

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We're now approaching the education building, which is actually a pretty big building. If you have education, Major, this is where most of your major classes will take place. So for if you don't know what core classes are in major classes, um, who's that? Because very you don't have to move away. Who frisky look, get a virtual reality thing that they're doing in there, it's cool. We just played some cool reality games, which was awesome. How long We said they have that going on? About a year now. They had been having that going for you a whole year now, so we'll definitely have to come back. Like if you guys want to just meet some cool people. I mean, we don't We didn't know any of those people in there, but that was amazing to meet them. This one came called Lucky tales, huh? A little fight's It's kind of like Crash bank you more.