Meet Maria at the University of Louisville

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I'm a second year student at the University of Little. Yes, you heard that, right? It's pronounced little. She graduated her master, that speed school of engineering. I'm a marketing major, the college of business. Come along me and I'll tell you a little bit about you. That's where all your classes are gonna be at the other two campuses or downtown for the health science campus and the Shelbyville campus, which is all way across town. Most your classes are gonna be in the belt neck. Can't this I'm inside the belt Academic building. It's has new classrooms, new study rooms, just like the one I'm in right now. A lot of your jennet classes are gonna be taken here. I remember I took biolab upstairs and I had a by election er, the first floor. All the genitals air in this building and write about me in the second floor is the Reach tutoring center. Just ask one of the tutors for help with your homework or, if you don't understand anything, and the Bell Night academic buildings right in the middle of campus, it's right across the library has a lot of great study places. Nooks and crannies, lounge chairs where you can relax in between classes and study. Okay, but why? Marketing Marketing is probably the closest creative job that I could think of. Ulivo has one of the best business schools in the state. With Louisville, there's many opportunities to Coop. Where are Major? We get internship credit in college credit. Okay, let me purposely get the thinker behind me in the shot. You Bo has a small campus, but it has a big campus feel to it, too, even though it only stretches a couple miles and it takes 15 minutes for a walk to get to your class.