In Depth Dorm Video Compilation!

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A little pair? No. Okay, So first we have a little hangar. Think that neither of us could figure out how to use its always super hot here eighty two, like all the time. That inside of the wardrobe is like, So I just have, like, switchers up here on my clothes, hanging in my bathrobe, my personal life belts and that they give you like drawers. Um, over here, I have just, like a little storage bay with, like, socks and stuff. Then I have like, my laundry here, birds and then here's my bed. I just had, like, all my hair stuff, and I have, like, our school stuff, my textbooks. Then just like a random stuff in here and then on top, I have my shower caddy. Like, so essential and has leaked literally all my stuff. So I'd recommend that because, like, if you want to study, like, really helpful, I love Here's my mirror. So I still like, Forget where I'm going all the time, And I, my hydro, recommend a hydra for sure. Then I have my eye on trash can cause I didn't know that they were going to give us trash and recycle, but yeah, and then here's like my roommate side, which is basically the same being. Then we have a microwave and I'm in here just like dishes and stuff. Then here's like, more food, and we have eventually food and hear so much like snacks and stuff. So I'm gonna show you around the lounge a little bit, so there's one of these on every floor like at the end of the hall. Basically it's like I come here to audition, and then there's like an oven seeking my cook or whatever. I'm like there's like the couch on the TV, and it's just like a nice place to come if you wanna hang out with friends, if you want to study. You don't want to go the library and staff or wash dishes that was still around. So I'll show you in my door, so here, freedom stuff. I'm going to show you around the rest of, like, my dorm building things, So let's go downstairs. Oh, I wanted to shave a the bathrooms because they're actually super nice in the store himself. It's a little bit, but these stalls are like, so now it's like super private, but they're like the ones that they haven't like Europe or whatever, Mom, years over here, a man over here, we have, like, showers I'm about to show. So I'm literally in the shower right now, but you know it. So in the showers that have, like hooks, like hanging stuff. Because the farm shout, this one's not as much, but usually dorm showers are like, really gross and like, you don't want to like your feet are other people's feel so, yeah. Here's a burger place they like, Yeah, like cries talk, man. So you put all your dishes, but I usually get, uh, a man over here like a coffee shop. So we're walking to one of my friend's house is to be here, but here's a little look at some of the houses. Son of Grace and Galilee here to talk a little about Greek life. So what do you guys have to say about Greek life here? U dub? I actually feel so lucky. As freshman you, it was really scary for me coming out of sea because they didn't know what was going on. You have Tio hope for the best hope anyway, house, because that's gonna be a home immediately. We have so many houses, we have nineteen different options and really small classes, and we have about thirty two forty. Yeah, it's really cool that you job because we move in our freshmen year into the house. Our sororities and fraternities are all surrounding campus overall, super close together. So it's a really tight knit community and super close to school. So it's really nice, like being a house and are specifically is like, very close to see. Super nice to just have everyone and then begin re client. You can just be like in the kitchen, eating breakfast and say, Wants to go class. There's like five other girls going to the same building is you. Like I had a friend who it was their birthday with three weeks into school and he had no ID. And I was like, I literally have not a moment to myself here, which is like a plus in it.