UVM Dorm Room Tour

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Hey, guys, Welcome to a dorm room at you, Via my name is Claire. I'm gonna be showing you around our residence halls today. So we'll look at what a room looks like, How I make that room feel like home how my relationship is with my roommate and some resource is in our residence hall. So I have you guys right outside of a residence hall right here. Give a quick little spin I'll take your piece by piece So every door room comes with some furniture inside a nice closet hours a so nice, completely full length, which is awesome. There's my bed There's my roommates that they also all come with the dressers, which is really nice And everybody gets their own desk, which also includes that set of drawers right there. Else comes with recycling and compost, which is really awesome because we're very sustainable here at UVM. So it's just the basics of the dorm. You're wondering, how do I make myself comfortable here? How do I make myself people to relax and really feel like this is my home? So hopefully the college itself helps you to make you feel at home. What I did is I included lots of pictures, so I'd make pictures by my bed. I have lots of pictures at my desk, multiple places. That really helps me because I get to see my family and friends every day that are back at home. Another thing I do to make this place feel like home is decorate with my favorite color. Purple makes me very happy if you couldn't tell. So I made most of my things purple, which is really nice, because to me, purple is a very soothing color. So this bear was my grandma's and reminds me of family. So I really like having him, um, just there, cause I just When I see him, I also think of my family was a little bit worried about bring this stuffed animal to college. My friends have seen my room, and they're so my friends, That's good. Then one of the best parts is how cozy our room gets. So I know this a little bit grainy, but I thought it's worth it to show you just how cozy the room looks. When it's just our Christmas lights on, my room just makes me happy for me. I've always had my own room at home, so if you're like me, there's going to be that concept of this isn't just your space, so I have to share with my roommate. So I'm not imploding on her self expression in her area. Um, I'd say it's an adjustment in terms of kind of getting used to their schedule. Um, you know, she wakes up for an 8:30 a.m. class, but I want to sleep in till 10. You know, we just have to talk to each other and make sure, like Okay, yeah. We will talk to each other about Oh, I'm gonna have friends over Saturday afternoon. I just wanted you to be okay if he studied somewhere else. There is trading spaces at UVM. If a remade situation really didn't work, you could go through that and they could switch you out of your room, which is super helpful. My roommate and I found each other off of Facebook and chose each other. So you can either do that or our school has a little match dot com survey where you feel out like when you go to bed when you wake up, what you want to do in your room, whether it be like study, sleep, have friends, et cetera. So my roommate and I found each other, and it's worked out great when you get along Great, huh? One of the great things that we have here. They're always here to help us get packages, run out cleaning equipment for when your mom calls you 10 minutes away saying she's surprised. Visit One thing I really like about these residents halls that we have learning communities so minus C outdoor community. So if you can see here, we all meet together, do some homework and enjoy the very beautiful sunshine that comes in from our atrium. Every time you go inside, you have to skein your identification to get inside the building. Once you get inside to get into your actual residence hall itself, you have to scan, they get. That's how you get into your actual hall with the dorms inside. Once inside the hall, we have lots of resource Is such a common rooms like this We have free laundry, which is super awesome, and every almost every residence hall has a bike ride where you get free storage for your butt. Each layer has bathrooms for every identity, which is really nice. Our floors, three bathrooms and go in, whichever one you're most comfortable with, Every floor also has a common room, complete with a workspace, couches and full kitchen that concludes your UVM residents Life Tour.