Touring UVM College of Nursing and Health Sciences
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I'm a junior in college nursing count signs with a major in nursing and a minor in healthy behavior. I spent a large portion of my time in 2025 hours a week working as a nurse assistant downtown in one of our nursing home. I'm pursuing a new, individually designed major in health care structure and Emergency Medical Service is research with a minor in biochemistry. I've been interested in medicine for a really long time, and you Cam's allowed me to explore that both in the classroom. So right now we're outside the Dana Medical Library, which is one of the economic libraries on campus. This one has a lot of resources that are available for medical students, and undergraduate students learn about anything that's related to their health sciences curriculum. They have study rooms available, and it's really just a great focused study area. You see a love nursing student in the Medical Library because this is where we get to see a love of literature around. So some advice that I would give you a perspective student. He's interested in health care and is looking at the University of Vermont. I would say that you should definitely pursue it, and if you're thinking well, I like health care. I want to learn more, but I'm also interested in philosophy or English or any other field. I came in to U V M, really expecting that health care was the only thing I wanted to learn about. My course of studies, I have found that it's some of the classes that are outside of that field that have added the most depth and have been really fascinating to me, and I'm wishing as a senior that I had been a double major in Mandarin Chinese and my independent study. So coming into UVM, and wherever you decide to Goto College, I would say look gladly and really think about what you want to use your time here for about clinical rotation. Every nursing student here you game is guard T for a spot in the University of Vermont Medical Center on, you don't have to apply separately to our clinical rotation when this time for you to New York like rotation in junior year. The school automatic place center to the universe of University of Vermont Medical Center. Have you done in there? Um, and also a great thing about having a medical center right on the campus is that if you feel like you want more experience, you want more time to shadow more ton Thio. You can definitely request to have more extra that have an extra hour just to go shadow physician, shadow nurses or any people who work in the University for Mon Medical Center. You want to go into nurse a nursing and you want to become a nurse practitioner. See, they're really Syrian, stated daily TV's and things like that. That's also a great way to help you figure out, um, what do you want to do? What, what will fit through the best so as you can see right over there is the route building there. Hold the calls of nursing health size right next to me right here, the system College of medicines and just drive me over there to that great booting. That's just the U. V a medical center, the Level one Trauma center, largest one north of Boston. This is where nursing student as well as any other student college of nursing health time would do their vehicle. Before I got to touch a real patient in the hospital, I would have to take some introduction to clinical classes like Hell Assessment introduction to clinical practice. My first clinical rotation right now is ah, woman and newborn. So I get to go to the labor and delivery unit plus part of Unit and Nick you neonatal intensive care unit. So I get to see a wide range of care for woman and new board, and it was such a great experience for me and I love it. I got to help assisting a Berk, Andi also get to care for a post partum patient who just had their baby. My culture, venomous culture is quite strict about who can see a berth, especially for a male identified. A person like me is really hard to know more about the birth process, a swell pregnancy as well. I never got the chance before, during high school, I thought that I wanted to become a dentist or your high school. Until the end of my first semester of senior year, I had the opportunity to perform as one of our nursing home. She approached me with tears in her eyes, and she came to me and help my hand really tight, and she told me that she had a Milner's import, who has a very similar voice to mine. Also he sang for her when he do Haiti to care for her. So that was the first time ever in my life that I really consider to commoners. I just went back home and I didn't realize research, nursing, school, nursing, career of the future pack nursing field. Um, I came to a realization that this is the one for me and I. I called the university for months a mission at the time. So I called them and said, Please switch my application to nursing and did it and very fortunate I got accepted.