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Get some honest advice on eating at the dining hall
A brief review and some advice about eating at the main dining hall, the PHC, and rethinking your potential meal plan. Personally, I would recommend getting a meal plan that had MORE flex dollars! You can use flex dollars almost anywhere on campus to buy snacks on the go or meals, rather than just eating meals at the PHC.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So I'm currently at P A H C have for Cem Sunday lunch and pretty much all I've got is some Tater tots and sausage because it's much all there is right now. I will say that it gets old superfast, so I would recommend a super big meal plan because you're gonna be eating out a lot more often than you think. At least I do personally, like dominoes and the pies. Delivery is my life, and I've probably invested way too much of my money into it.
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