MMI - Program Breakdown
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If you haven't already known, I'm here to discuss the program breakdown of the master of management of innovation here at the University of Toronto in the Mississauga campus. Here we'll explore more about why I chose the program and what it's like. So I basically went into this program as a way of bridging thesis scientific background I have, while developing this kind of business acumen that I felt would be very needed within the future. Always had this desire to work in science industry specifically anything to do with healthcare, biotech, bio pharma, pharma or anything of that sort. I didn't want to go towards that traditional route either being a doctor or a dentist or maybe even doing research, because I felt like all of those were not really aligning with what I liked. I felt like if those also didn't work out for you or you don't like those things, then definitely reach out to this program because it could be what's best for you and aligned with your interests. This morning to perspective, I was actually having extensive cancer research experience at Mount Sinai Hospital here in Toronto. While I really enjoyed what I did, the only issue was that I felt like research did not feel as rewarding as I thought it would be because you put in a lot of time and effort. Sometimes the results don't work out and you feel kind of devastated that you've tried so much. Not to say that it's not a good thing, like, definitely, it built a lot of my character, and I would never have said It's a waste of time. I could definitely built me to where I am today and I'm very grateful for it. I also considered many programs first being I'm Up my, which I'm currently enrolled in. Secondly, being the Masters of Biotechnology, Also at the University of Toronto, Mrs Scholar, Go campus as well as the master of management of Applied Science, stand at western Ontario. So when I was juggling between these three, it was definitely very hard because all three kind of offered a little bit different, different things, but the end result was kind of the same. It was like a path towards working in industry, one being more business oriented, which is what I took Next thing or chemistry basis behind biotechnology, which was at biotech on the last one. Being more professional development, considering writing and communication within a scientific but professional context, the best features of the program is that it really allows you to engage in a really extensive internship after your eight month intensive curriculum. It allows you to get that experience before you go into the real life world. Thing is recruiters take students from all over in every type of industry you could literally go from any bank with if you like finance in CBC, TD Bank, RBC and so on. I know a lot of the students have gotten into companies like G. S, K. Johnson and Johnson AstraZeneca like all these really key big players in pharma, and they're all actually doing very well. So this is a very interesting stuff to take the program also accept students that are from all over in any discipline, whether it be science, technology, or even engineering. So I've met a lot of different interdisciplinary students and have been cool to get to know them and work with them because it allows for a very different perspective on engaging starting problems. So this really helps with having this kind of real world application in this program, as it allows for everyone to come together and work on something and meeting each others goals. Now I went from wearing lab coats to suits and ties, and I can't wait to see what the world is like out there for me.