What It's Really Like Getting Ready During College
For some odd reason, a good amount of the people here look like they stepped out of a magazine at 8 am. Can't relate. When you're out grabbing Starbucks at 3 a.m., mornings can be pretty rough. For some odd reason, you'll always feel like you need to finish another Buzzfeed quiz at 2 a.m. And the next night, you'll be busting out a lab report until 4. Here's a look at the treacherous communal bathroom. They warn you about these guys. However, in Marks Tower, it's pretty decent. Not having as many girls per floor means that I've only had to use a small shower twice. No one likes showering at 1 a.m. anyway. Lol.
PSA: Don't leave your hair in the shower! That's right, you too, fellas. This is California after all.