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I'm a freshman theater major from Carbondale, Colorado. I didn't like, um I'm a freshman, No. I'm a freshman theater major. I'm also a dance and entertainment minor, and I want to add business in there sometime soon, but I don't know when, really and anyway, so I'm here to do a campus tour. I am in two different comedy groups at USC. I'm in a sketch comedy group called The Suspenders, and I am in an improv troupe called Spoiler Alert. So we'll probably show you guys that kind of stuff Tio this week. Um, what else? I'm in the thematic option program. So that means it's sort of like an honors English application based program that that replaces CMGI Eves. Um, I'm in a technical production for theater lecture. I'm in text analysis classes, Ivan scene study classes, um, not night dance classes this semester. Well, I'm on the ski team, and I just went up to Mammoth last weekend, which was super fun. I don't want I don't want to bring my telemark skis here. Um, yeah, we're just gonna get it started, Okay? Thank you.