Views from Outside of my Dorm!

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Roman is a pretty long walk from my dorm to the marshals for herself. They make it also, since what the outside of my building looks like. You can't see it for well because of the trees. That's where all the Greek houses for Panhellenic and Inter Virginal Council are over there. So my buildings right over there left is the laundry room. That's my right hand, My right and then to my left are different Cyprus building. Um, so these have apartment and sweet style, so it really depends which one you want. Um, but they're pretty similar to my Cyprus one. Just you share a suite with another person, you know, pretty simple, something you really want to be aware of. It's like super expensive to live on campus, and the space is small. I know that I didn't get to give you an in depth look, but it's it's very small and it's not like, you know, there's a lot of rules and it's hard. You know, my roommate, she actually has the guy next to her. They both have their bet on the wall because they can't really move it anywhere else. So she barely get sleep like she literally will see like three hours a night last night. So it's just like little things like thought that nobody can really like fix if that makes sense. Obviously, it's literally I'm walking to the Marshal Student center.