The Marshall Student Center!!!

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So here's looking like that towards the marshal Student Senate. So to the right over there, that's the theatre area. Um, right across the street from the first incident right there. There's a grass bull with Marshall students, and I'm bound to see somebody that I made here the central off campus and you can see everything's closed on Sundays. Obviously, um, nothing's open, but people come here to steal, to study and things like that. So I have a good amount of places I can take you, you know, close. We haven't Einstein's bagels for breakfast. That's what a lot of people go to get their breakfast when they work in the martial students. Then we have a job but Jews, which is one of my favorites. Then down here were the on ly campus in the country to have a beef o brady's on campus. Oh, I didn't know it was open now, so there's not much to the Marshal Student center. I'm gonna show you the Office of Paternity Story life instead of your involvement. Um, but there's a bunch of other stuff in the martial student center. Things like that here on the second floor of the Marshall Student Center. That's the big theater in the Marshes student center, where a lot of big presentation's or speakers happen.