Janel shows you around the Student Services Building!

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We're going to go to the most important place on this campus. I promise that you'll have to be here at least once in your undergraduate career, probably times ten. So we'll start over here to our right way, have students with disability services. So if you have any disability, you need to talk to them about getting any type of accommodation. This is where you would go, ever vending machines, bathroom. So right here to the left is the office of the register. So if you have anything that you need, your transcript, your official transcript, things like that for that's for you to go up here. We have the omelets office, the Global Citizens Project, undergraduate studies and other. So you're definitely going to come here if you come to yourself because you need to get your ID literally your life. So over here we have one of the three seals on campus. So there's actually a legend that if you step on one of them, um, you won't graduate in four years. So you saw one was in the marshals students, and I had This is the second. So if you have anything that to financial aid, and we have admissions. Then over there for to your left is the cashier's office and innovative education and things like that. There's a there's a whole other disarray of There's a whole nother array of offices in this building. Um, but obviously, you know, I can't go through all of them.