Inside my Dorm

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So I live in Magnolia D, which is a complex that's mostly reserved for upperclassmen. It's kind of a first come first served with preference upperclassmen. As you can see, we have a full kitchen with the living room, which is really bear because it's the first couple weeks of school. I do have two roommates, one that lives there, and there here is the bathroom. So I bought this from like a Ross or something like that. That was right up the road. It was fifteen dollars. Really, really cheap of its like literally about to, like fall over when you rocket, but totally worse. The fifteen dollars for the convenience that it held. Uh, this bathroom is actually for the handicapped room, So nobody in my dorm is handicapped, er, disabled in any kind of weight. When they can't fill out space, they actually give it out too soon, so don't necessarily need it. The one thing that I would say about this if you're looking into it, is that you can tell the shower isn't exactly the most handicap accessible, which is a little frustrating. We also have a spare sink out here, which again, I think, is one of the components of the handicapped room, and I'm actually living in it. I'm going to talk about different D i Y projects that you could do to kind of like, spruce up your room. I collect art from every place that I go to, so I'm missing a few pieces, but essentially, that's what it looks like. Organization is absolutely key when it comes to these tiny dorm rooms. This one is actually really kind of big because it is the handicapped room. I one hundred percent totally love Wal Mart and how cheap it is. I one hundred percent believe that everyone should shot there for their things. I'm not really sure we're going to tell us that. So these air, like all different things that I had, Um, as you can see, like, there's a lot of stuff that can fit on here. They provide you with this desk, the chair, the bed over there, the mattress on the bed as well. This little dresser here, this's the closet. As you can see, it's not super huge yeah, they don't really provide you with a lot less so that you had to bring in. Most little rooms are small enough that you really don't need to bring a lot of stuff. I recommend that you bring the necessities and then assess what you need in how much room you have and then go from there.