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I literally just talked to two people that I went down the elevator with, and they were like, Oh, yeah, you're drinking that maid cafe we, you know, expires in two weeks. Um, it's kind of ridiculous, but guys just super blessed, You know, when I say you've logged in that whole time, I wa ce you can't just go around making it, does it? Does should guys. You know, I wish I was recording before, but I let out the loudest outburst that's so scared. What do you want the viewers to do? Um, subscribe? Um, it should comment. Have any replacement? Um, where's my hair doing? I have my laundry. We are packing up the car real quick and then going to talk about something that I want you guys to know. Um, Ian, uh, he wasn't the vlog last year on a couple of logs. Um, extroverted personality just doesn't care, and he's really funny to record, but nonetheless, we are going to be going to the marshal student center outside where there's bull market. Apparently, there are goats, and they were allowing the goats to stand up on our backs and, like, we can, like, be with the goat. So while I am walking over to the marsh student center to see the goats, I wanted to speak to you guys something that's on my heart. I know if you've been watching the recent videos ever since it started the cave logs, I have been starting talking about Bible verses and doing a Bible verse of the day talking about my faith at the end of every video. So every Wednesday for me, I tied 10% of my paycheck to the church or wherever I choose to donate, too, because in the Bible, it does command us to us to give 10% of each earning of every week and to sacrifice that and give it up, and that you were experienced blessings that your needs will be met in all things. So what I've experienced lately is that ever since I've started tithing, um, I started a couple of years ago consistently, and then I kind of fell off. That's just because you know I'm human and those kind of things happen. Over the summers, when I haven't missed a week of tidying, and when I started when I started college, I was really security because I know when you go to college at the payoff tuition only extra cost, you're living on your own, so you really have to take care of yourself. I've been tied in consistently every single week, 10%. And guys, all of my needs have been met. Finances and expenses have been cut off randomly and miraculously so, God, I just want you guys to come to delve deeper into that and understand that when you do give and you're not selfish with your money, you get 100 10% back. It's just a beautiful thing, but nonetheless, guys, bless up. We're gonna goto see the goats? Not really, son. Guys, this is my baby Gina, USF ambassadors and so much more. The one who actually told us that we're going to be You were voting for voting today? I haven't I haven't interacted with goat. You guys remember that Panda Express I picked up? Brian? Yeah. Priorities just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fun. Did you actually think that we were gonna go without a bolivars? Okay, honestly, guys, it's November 9th right now. That vlog was from Halloween, As you could see in the date and in the intro you guys needed putting the comments below right now Say, Alex, stop procrastinating editing your vlogs. Just tell me to stop and listen to you guys and I could stop myself in the face and I get through this, but it's going to be fine again. Second Thessalonians, Chapter three, Verse 16 says Now may the Lord of Peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the Lord be with all of you. Just in the major view of things like peace is such, uh is such a factor. Just every single culture, every single country, we make laws. We vote on amendments, we pass acts, we do government political stuff just to find peace. May the Lord of Peace himself so that saying God is peace Got his love, got his piece. When you call upon that, um, it says Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way and in every way. So if you think you can only get peace by like sitting there and sipping on your Starbucks or whatever you're doing. It comes in every single way you could possibly imagine. You really can have peace in this moment if you're going through such a hard time something that you probably don't even think I could understand or a friend I could understand that you can't even vocalize it. Uh, could we just be like a physical thing and disease? Ah, family member of a family member dying anything? Really? Guys, if you call upon God, God will place that piece into your heart the way that he does it through you and every way the Lord be with all of you know, one fall short of God's grace No one for salt. Yeah, it's just Just know if you guys aren't in tune with Crane. If you maybe you don't pray a lot, Maybe you don't know how to talk to God. So guys just know that he is always there to provide you peace. Now with that being said, guys, thank you so much for listening as always awesome that I can speak the word of God in my videos and not really have any negative negativity or any negative comments I haven't.