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Now I need a phone now, guys, I don't know what they're doing. He's cutting out potatoes and putting them on a big poster board. We have a lot of potatoes and nobody can take any of it, because that's what we're going to take a trip to the financial aid office because they don't like to pay out scholarships on time. I almost knocked over something that could have been very bad. Guys look, big longboard. Alex is gonna try Thio to sift through the school traffic, and hopefully I don't die. You won't see any, so I literally just sat here for five minutes standing, waiting for an elevator when I didn't even click the button. I'm gonna die because I don't have the best skills along boarding. I just worked an event last night as an ambassador called the Alumni award ceremony one of the best moments of my life. You guys should definitely just apply the investor hit me up. Apply a great experience this year at USF. So much bull pride going around. When you come, the USF. If you're already at USF for any other college financial aid, it takes like a long time to get your scholarship. I am very surprised with my long Gordon skills right now. I'm not very good at turns, so I would usually just go during the night time. Wasn't that more of a Dr? I completely forgot about this war, so I was always saying before I completely forgot about this morning. It's gonna make five Wait way Just scored a touchdown against you calling. The good news is that Naomi Pepper, my girlfriend just got in the U S F Not just but she's going to us off, guys. So I don't know, maybe nail me pepper vlog at us. Maybe she's gonna start making the killer USF videos. You go to U S F. I don't Oh, actually, you know what we like to get that they were like, they're like Chang Green. See, Michael? Denny, what's the theme of this Vlog appointments, ointments, ointments? No, it's called dying and accounting. So you can take account accounting, dying in accounting or studying for company. Denny know? According to him, we are according to him. What we are, But we're not financial accounting. I mean, we started early, so certainly procrastinating, is it? No, you're just cramming everything into one final day. So that's that's how it goes Pretty solid. Denny, what do you do to your homies at night? You know, like Tuck Amendment? Not, you know, a little kiss on the cheek. Their tempers going on, guys, that you so much for watching the value really appreciate it right now it is time for the Bible verse, the day I am currently suffering from some sort of cold. I just this thing going around a USF, it's like a cough congestion, but it's not really a sickness. I don't know how annoying, but we're getting through it. Guys, let's go right into the Bible verse, Psalm 1 12 Verse one says Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord who find great delight in his commands. What this basically means is that basically, do you feared, Lord and what he teaches you do you fear his consequences. You know, when he says don't do stuff for a reason, dear, you're gonna listen to that. Are you gonna try to be a rebel and listen to your friend? You're saying go do it. Go do it when you fear the Lord his commands eventually becomes something that you joyfully and willing willingly will follow. He will literally give you joy and peace because you're following him and he wants everything for you. So as long as you find a light in his commands and you fear him and you're not worried about what career you on, you're not worried about who thinks this of you you're not worried about If you fail that an interview if you didn't make the soccer team all those things or fear of man. What the fear of the Lord says is that Hey, I have a plan for you. If you fear me and if you listen to my commands and you take delight in me, I would give you everything you need and I will fully bless you. We got more to come working on more of a consistent schedule here.