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It's brought another video for you guys today and I'm also here with Brits. So this is a part of my campaign Cape Israel, where I'm doing basically a USF tour guide kind of thing. So if you're interested in that gun and check out the lake to see the first video and to go ahead and check out that whole playlist. I'm going to be interviewing Britney about her experience here at us. Set what she likes about it, something she thinks they can improve on and yada yada yada. So without further ado, let some brat on into this video. No. What made you choose us? Well, I'm from Northern Illinois where it's really cold, and I hated the winner. Like, always wanted Toa Get out of the North, and I just wanted to move out of Illinois and Journal because everyone from my hometown, you either leave or like, you get stuck there forever, and I don't want to be stuck there. Yeah, I just need, like a new fresh start with new people. So I actually applied to three different schools in Florida. I have brand new, awesome friends, and I'm not breaking my bank. How would you describe the environment on campus in the different students we have here and everyone has a hole. I don't know like the community so close knit like it just feels so inclusive and welcoming like people are so nice, you could just walk up to anyone like ask for help like ask for directions, just strike up a conversation and like I don't know, it's just really cool. I like the student body, student government, all that do really great things. Toe do things like Bulls night out, where they try to get students like involved and having fun. I'm hanging on campus together, and it's just easy to make new friends here. How would you describe your classes or courses? And like your workload, it definite depends from semester to semester. Don't do like three math courses and once faster, that's rough like this must are like a lot. I'm only taking sixteen credits, so it's like not too much to handle. Last semester was horrible because I was taking eighteen credits and it was really overwhelming. I find it kind of easy because it's not a lot of math. So it can be kind of rigorous and difficult just cause like classes they're taking. Let us have has add a branding issue where like, they will change their logo and their branding, like every couple of years. We have new logo and a new font, and a lot of people hate it. It kind of looks like it looks like a bank's logo. They should have done better and more research when rebranding. I should have asked way more students opinions because I know that their service samples on like sixty students, and we have over sixty thousand. As that's like, my estimation was not enough. Yeah, I just think they need to do more research. We can finally become like, well known around the country and like not keep re branding every couple years and then not be known around the country because normal recognizes our logo. Oh, yeah, so first it's not even the right colors were were green and gold. The new logo is like green and lime green, and it just doesn't work. What do you think sets us apart from other schools in Florida? One. When I think of other Florida schools, the first thought that comes my head's like party school, like, you know, I could f issue into me. It's really like an academic school, like they're all about research and innovation and doing new things and like really like going into the future and so like that, where is like, I think the rest of schools don't hit that as much and then, lastly, what advice would you give to your senior self going into college? Maybe. It's much like don't stress out as much because I am a big worry wart and I stress a lot. It's like I will stress about something and then it will Lou, like, turn out fine or it'll be fine or it won't be a big problem. I think, just like don't stress, don't worry and have fun. If you have been following along with the Siri's and you've washed my other interviews, you know that a lot of people have similar answers to everything. If you like video, please give a giant thumbs up and it's going to channel and I will see you guys in my next video by.