Life Advice from an RA

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My first year here on campus, he is the zap are a if you decide to come that route, and he's going to kind of tell you guys a little bit about what he thinks you guys need to do to succeed what he's seen from watching over first year students for so long. Yeah, I just can't give you advice on what he thinks would be good for you guys. Yes, So I've been on campus for four years as a resident for one year, as a first year student and then as an ar E for every one thing that I've found is crucial about just being at USF kind of getting making us in your home is getting involved on campus. So that's fighting those organizations that really make you happy, help you relieve some stress and make you kind of kind of like forget about classes for a second and kind of make some friends and just really become part of what makes this campus great. I would also say that you're a farmer, offers a lot of great opportunities, whether it's studying abroad, full service opportunities, just social events networking events, job opportunities, career fairs. They have like everything that you could possibly think of, so that's one of the awesome opportunity. So I would say USF is really good because it's so big. There's so many people with different stories and backgrounds that you really get a feel for. The campus is a hole in your first week of being on campus, so it be awesome if you become a tore yourself. I hope that I have encapsulated that enough for you, all right? And what would you say? Like the number one mistake is that people make that they don't know about coming to school, I would say, probably at least for people living on campus. They tend to move in, and you may not have anyone that you know when you moved to us, eh? And it could be kind of scary to be people and kind of put yourself out there and be social. I feel like the biggest mistake people make is just hiding in their rooms. Or maybe if you live off campus, not spending time on campus so I would say, Just push yourself past that barrier and put yourself out there. Joined clubs, goto events, especially in that personally during week above them. You'll really make lifelong connections and some lifelong friends.