Stadiums: Founder's Park (Baseball)
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They have escapes me right now, but you'll know when the video because of the way and us exactly where it's a great across the street from where I live. Like it's complete walking distance from where my apartment complexes, which is nice. It's really pretty, and this was always in the spring. So it's like when it's nice outside, like, what else would you want to dio? They said, so hear this? Founder's Park. Um, yeah, I've actually never been to a baseball game like a big fan. I know, but this spring, him definite going because that is where I live. Give us, um, as you could see those seats and score for as you could also say, there's construction going on, which I'm glad they're ways, because it's a go reminder for me to tell you guys there's always construction going on in the city of Colombia, and it's just something you'll deal with and it's okay, but it can be frustrating.