Welcome to Scranton!

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So I'm gonna tell you guys a little bit about myself. I was born in Brooklyn, and then I moved to Milan, New York. Um, I pretty much went to a Catholic school my entire life. I went to Catholic elementary school, private Catholic high school. I'm not a private Catholic institution, which is the University of Scranton. Um, we around here call it the U, which is kind of just easier the saying the University of Scranton, because it's so long. Um, so basically, the U is located here in Scranton, Pennsylvania. If you guys watch it, if you don't, that's, um but yeah, it's located here in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and I wanted to show you guys a little bit, um, of a closer look toe what? It's like being a scratch and student. If you guys are considering on going here, which you most definitely should, because I love it here so much. Yes, I am currently a sophomore here, and I am studying, um, finance with a minor in accounting and what I want to kind of do what that is Kind of use it towards not really banking, but more of, like, corporate finance. Like getting into companies and managing other company's money. So I personally am a big fashion person, so I kind of wanna go into the fashion industry and maybe like, refresher now are No, my chorus. I currently actually work out Michael Chorus, like, not a big, like corporate thing or anything. Kind of just like, you know, if you knew what could do storm of the sales associate in cash here and all that. I mean, that's pretty much it about me and these, um I am excited to show you guys my school because it's a great school. The programs that they have your, like, Phenomenal. So I'm gonna show you guys a tour of everything inside and out, All the Lango Lango the language this line that we use around here, like two previous certain terms so that, you know, we're not, you know, And, um yeah, I'm just so excited to show you guys, So stay tuned for my next videos.