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Baker Beach with Nikka!
Baker Beach is a popular hangout spot for USF students on hot days! You can watch the sunset right next to the Golden Gate Bridge! Mikayla introduces you to her best friend, Nikka. Nikka is a second-year biology major from southern California. She describes the academic climate, student body, and her favorite part of USF!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I'm here with my friend that I think about it. I'm originally from Southern California, and I'm currently majoring in biology. How would you explain the academic climate? Yeah, it's very stressful being a bio major. I know a lot of skin and struggle, but where are you? You know, get through it. How would you describe the student body at us? It's very diapers. Um why did you choose us? I chose you because you wouldn't want to go school in San Francisco. What is your favorite part about us? F. And your least favorite part about my favor. Just nothing like it is just so pretty Is just such a good feeling. Being inside my least favorite Paul would have to be like I really don't know.
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