Office Hours and TAs
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I'm on my way to office hours, so I think it's an appropriate town. Talk about office hours today and Professor availability, for example. The great thing about this is that we always have professors. TA is setting up their time schedules, usually online, on this thing we call Blackboard, which is our portal system, where you talk about the specific times were available. We can always come in chat about homework, chap, just after we don't get out class, for example, in math, I am struggling calculus so everything on time again opportunity to walk through the professor's office. They can always ask questions and get some help on the homework and also depending on the availability of professors. Sometimes Professor was have tea a's post office hours, for example. In my economics class, you have T. A s, which are also under grass up, down well in the class before do office hours every single day. We could just talk about the homework and also the stuff that's happening in class.