Interview about life on campus!
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Sarah Man Heart and an environmental science major with biology. The school is the most beautiful place I've ever lived in my life. There is amazing fall season, and the staff really cares about the students and the cons. Not that I'm from California, so it's a little cold for me. So what's your classroom like? What's like a typical day? So a typical day I might have different classes on different days of the week. Wednesday and Friday, I have biology and math, and then Tuesdays, Thursdays. I have some other classes, so each day looks different, which is very unique. Then there are also are certain classes that are three hour classes, like labs and just longer lectures that you only have once a week. So it's really different than high school, and I really like that weight set. What's your favorite class this semester? Um, um, I love theology with Professor Turn Blue. He is go very unique, and he's a wonderful professor. What is so behind you? Concede that mailing over there. Um, it's nice and quiet, and so I think I have a very comfortable place to call home. If I want to go somewhere, that's a little bit more fun, a little bit more rowdy. I can walk in, extort a villa, and I have a view of Mount Hood from my bedroom window. I get to see the sunset over Mount Hood every single night so it doesn't get better than that. What's your favorite thing to dio on the weekends? Um, I love exploring in organ going on hikes. I've done quite a bit of hiking, so the outdoor scene here is just incredible and like, rate the comments, which is where we eat on a scale of one to ten. Okay, So say that the Commons will be completely on this kind of fluctuates had Sometimes when I'm very hungry, I would say, yeah, comments is an eight. So I'll tell you the Collinses six just depends on how quick you are, but I'm fed well every single day, and I think there's a lot of variety here. What is one piece of advice you give to your senior yourself senior yourself? Um, I would say, enjoy the home cooked meals when you have love on your parent's love on your pets because he will miss them. It'll all unfold the way they're supposed to. So when you know that anxiety rules around about your future and about going to school, just remember that you're in the hands of God and you got it.