Frequently asked Questions

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I'm doing a little Q and a video right now about some questions you might have about University of Portland and life on campus. Describe the student climate and student body stereotypes, so the student climate is overall pretty positive. I think students here are the kind of students that they can have fun. You're not going to find people partying every day of the week. People, you're prioritize their education, and there's also like a wide variety of students. Please explain the academic climate, workload and crashing dynamics. This school's really popular with nursing students. There's lot of nursing students here and a lot of bio students. I think it would depend on your major of how heavy your workload is and how many credits you're taking. It was pretty easy for me and academic counselors, and the people I met just made. What are the pros and cons of your school? A pro would be how small it is. Then I know so many people because I'm constantly seeing the same people. So it's about fifteen minutes away from downtown Portland and I love. I feel I'm not in the city, but I'm also really close to the city. There's a bus that stops right here, the forty four and you get on the bus and you go all the way. The city it takes, like forty minutes on the bus and you're in the city. What defines your school and different and she hates it from other camps is, I think, definitely the student, how the students are and how they're so positive and welcoming to anybody. As as a freshman, I felt really welcomed by the kids older than me, and it's easy to meet people. What advice would you give to your senior self To my senior itself, I'd say Do not worry about all the colleges and die. It'll work itself out, and there's no perfect college out there. You can't find a college that has everything you want all in one school because it's just unrealistic.