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Welcome back to my channel, so they'll be doing a college senior regrets video. So just be talking about some of the things that have happened that I have allowed to happen at my college experience that I wish had not have had a number one not seeking help quicker when I actually needed it. So this is definitely one of the things that I really regret because I would, especially my freshman year. I would kind of weight until things really got bad before I went to the Learning Center to get, like, help with homework or help with certain concepts I couldn't understand. I wish I would have gone to office hours more often. I think this is something that everyone wishes happened, but it doesn't. The reality is that it doesn't people who you may be friends with your freshman sophomore junior year. You may not be friends with your senior year or even after college, so I think don't expect everyone to be around forever, basically, as bad as that may sound. My third regret is not networking as much as I could have by networking. I don't mean, like, only like when I go to like career fairs like that. I would say, like connecting with my professors even more often because in my case, I knew that I wanted to do a jar when I first came into college. I wish I would have connected more of my professors so that, you know, applying to grad school now I wouldn't have to, like, pick and choose professors. I was really cool with this and that, like it was kind of hard for me. A lot of my professors are seasoned in well seasoned in HR and labor studies, so like they have worked and like police is, I wish I could work. At Number four is wasting time with unnecessary and unhealthy relationships. You don't need that college like just focus on school like I know it sounds very cliche for your education is one of the most important things in your life because your education all most likely get you a better job, which were making more money which goes back to education to pay back your student loans that we have. You'll know when you have talked to people around you. The only you know want you around when you're beneficial to them. You just know when you have, like, talks people around you and people who just aren't focus to like That's unhealthy because, um, I had friends my fry freshman year who were came a cot and they were completely about other things partying and all that. Like, you know, obviously the freshman, like dabble in that tomb. I remembered why I was at school, so I didn't let all of that, you know, mess with my academics. If you like this video, make sure to give me, like, to let you know and make sure subscribe if you haven't already, and, you know, single my next one by.