Meal Plan at UPenn

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I'm gonna just pretty much explain to you how the meal plan here works at the University of Pennsylvania. So pretty much what we do is there are two options of paying for your meal. If you're a freshman year apart on a meal plan, so it'll be a part of your tuition no matter what. Like you can avoid paying your freshman year, there was a way, anyways. Too often you have, you can either use your dining dollars or your meal slights, so I'll explain the difference between the two. No matter which of them Neal plans that you choose. They will always come with both dining dollars and Neil Slight. So pretty much The plan, with their three different plants, is one where you have the most dining dollars and the least meal slights, balance between meal swipes and dining doll all you have the most swipes but least dining dollars. Maybe go to a cafe Starbucks on Campos, or place like Frontier, which is a gourmet Mexican restaurant that's on campus on and you can use dining dollars in those places in places like dining hall and CH dining hall. That means those are places where you can have all you can eat. So that's what your wife, who's generally, and then your dining dollars using places where you're buying like product. You know, you get your coffee in the morning and early morning Rush four, you're getting anything. You could really get much with dining dollars at one place. So that's very much dining dollars you use at the cafes and things and then in the dining hall here, Hill or to use his wife personally. Our regiment for freshman being one with the most dining dollars in the least wives. You shouldn't work it all the time, Which is why I showed you another video. Which one just has a bunch of different food option deacon vice like Tintin, thrive, sushi, vegetarian option and all the other stuff. So students like to have a lot of time gone because they both there really quickly. I have that plan, but I personally feel that I go to hills down a lot, so you can also switch at the same time. Is the ad dropped? You have that much amount of time. So three weeks into the beginning of each semester to change your dining plan? No. And then they'll do the balancing for you of the credit. So pretty much I would personally recommend soon's get freshmen get the one with the most dining dollars and the least amount of meals twice. Some of those suits also happen to be living off campus, which is why they move off of it because they can provide their own food for themselves because it's too much of an inconvenience to get food and bring it all the way back. So that's my personal recommendation, and that's so in your intro to I feel fine.