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Locust Walk
Stroll with Jelani down Locust Walk, admission building and houston hall where you can get food, i will bring you closer to the college of arts and sciences.
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Well backto walking down Locust walk So pretty much here on Locust Walk, you'll see a bunch of different buildings over here. That's the admissions building just from the back. Then on the other side of that is a building known as Houston Hall, which pretty much houses some of nice food options on the bottom. There are a lot of event hosted in there, especially doing quicker days. Any other time right here is the infamous uh, but okay, it's literally called the bucket, but there's nothing else about just I just called the button, you know. Anyway, we're going to continue our journey down Locust Walk, and then we'll bring you closer to what's knows the College Arts and Sciences and the war in school of business.
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