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Ryan Hall room tour
Meet Julia and Julia in their room in Ryan Hall! Ryan Hall is a newer women's dorm, built in 2009, and is located on West quad. It is sometimes referred to as "Hotel Ryan" due to the building's fancy style.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So a lot of upper class and Brian get the choice of living. You can have it down like this, or you can lock it up in the air. Then we have dressers, nightstands, deaths and arm arms. Yes, additionally, in all the rooms and Ryan, we have a sink and a near cabinet over here. So you can see way, have additional stories down there and then our cabinet here to store anything else? Uh, which is wonderful. You are allowed to have a fridge in your dorm room. A lot of students, as you can see over here, that some sort of Bhutan in their room editions. When friends come over or if people are saying, I can lecture people around.
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