Meet Peyton! And hear about her UNC experience

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So this is my friend Peyton, and she is going to talk to you guys about her experience here at Carolina. Hi, I'm Peyton from a suburb of Chicago, and I'm a sophomore here at Carolina. I chose to come to come here because of the balance and had I wanted a big school with much people in me. I want a good academics, but also like big sports teams and just active student body. My major is in business with a minor in computer science, all right, and so can you kind of like, describe to us just like the typical student body here at Carolina? Well, I think there's a lot of different types of students. There's people who are really into the school work and people who aren't as much. I think everyone is involved in something, and there's always people who are trying to, like, do this club like five different clubs focusing on school. So I think people who like to have balance in their life it makes a social, academic and active things to do. Okay, And then what is your favorite and least everything about Carolina. Whether it's going Teo Random sport event, like gymnastics or fencing or going like a Carolina women in business, meaning there's always something to dio My least favorite part is how no. The business school's really far from campus of, you know, a car kind of sex, and there's no parking and parking get set.