Knowledge Center

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Okay, so this area over here, where are we? Oh, hello. Beer in the Casey, which is the knowledge Center? A kor library. So this physical fights, you can use your wolf bunks here, which is on your wolf card. I'm sorry we got a little interrupted, but now we're going to show you the actual library. There's little like video thing where it tells you like you're like a whole history of the year. It said there's no place like home and thought that the case he was my home and like showed me every picture ever taken because that's how often he's worked and I'm there. It's really sad. Okay, we have to start being quiet, even though it's the first floor where you're actually like allowed to talk all the way up there on the fifth floor is the, like Super quiet, No talking. I'm so bad. Never give tours in here. Our library, if you looked like this for has, like, a ton of chairs. I almost fell asleep on accident one time, Really? I only sent out here. What we do is when the architect like building this building, he saw that people like to collaborate more than to have, like, bookshelves everywhere. So he actually took out a lot of the bookshelves and decide to put tables and chairs so that people could come in and do their homework and work with other people. Um, and instead, all of the books that he took out our all. If you look behind this wall back there like that plain behind library services, they're all theirs over seven hundred thousand books back there and you just go on a computer, any type in which one you want, and then this, like, robot machine thing comes, It's not great, just drops you off. Like there's still like heck of books like they're everywhere, but it just makes it easier because then there's not as many. Yeah, the machine goes and grabs Aghanistan, Virtuality said. If you like, wanted to use it just saying, I think that's pretty cool. What is slow? Fears is our crazy, cool computer lab. Like one last thing on this floor, the higher you go up like Erica said, the quieter it gets in the fifth floor is completely enclosed by glass. So if you're up there and you like a drop of pencil like you won't get those death glares like we're not No, I'm on a roll there. One of my friends, like, lost an entire lab project, like, three hours before it was due. She took your computer there, and then they literally recovered all of it. Like, you know, Booth set like restaurants. They haven't all lined up the walls like more room to class every Let's look And then there's the help center she was talking about. Seems to be a Mass and PCs the little reading over there reading losses. Like all of these, that movie is all I said. It's a recording and reporting, of course, like a music recording looking. Then don't we have virtual reality forces at reality? That's like a whole virtual reality center. You can use it for educational or just like playing video games. You can rent out like literally anything you want a projector rented out for a day? You want a DVD player rented out for a DVDs and CDs. Rent amount, even rent out Gopro's headphones, literally, like you name it, recording to you equipment like microphone speakers like can really get anything and you get it for a day. Get it on like a Friday, and you get to keep it till Monday comes over the weekend. That's just saying I should have done on the printing. You could get printing done in here to um, and it's five cents a page for black and white was a ten cents a page color.