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Other video Guess what we're doing today I mentioned in my last video. Six Flags Young lot Res four and I'm getting picked about 30. Legend is in the background because he just dropped problem and then tell the Creator drop is all and then aren't granted release her tour dates or whatever. That's what put me up because, like, school sucks. I have my back, my pillow have my back because I'm doing homework on a trip recently played. I've been listening to it for, like, the past hour. So let's recommend fan left Leader Daniel was gonna pick me up, so it's gonna be fun. I just got here having a great old time here in Atlanta, Georgia in Atlanta, Georgia, The Pride of the South. What are we doing? We're going on my first ride. Roller coasters and I had to sit out every single ride. Brad. I'm walking for a bond because she said she still is way too easy, But I'm a long time. She acts doing anything all day, But people just stare at you when you're just like wanting to recorders. It's so weird that sounds like subscribe subscribers, but hit the subscriber. Follow me on Instagram Oh me on Instagram and I Months trip Alivio Turbulent Tripoli Way right. What did you get? I got the supreme chicken tender platter with onion rings. Prize Most You want to know one thing about Johnny Rockets? It's over. We currently Rocky? I don't even know the Hall of Justice. Are you sure? This okay? Superman is closed, and we just stood in line for like, good, like probably 20 minutes stood there, and they're like, Oh, yeah, it's so Oh, yeah, Like where you guys so far? Honestly, Not very close. So what has been your favorite, Ryan? I'm living on two so far because I can't be late. The blue hot, huh? What is your favorite, right? Could you even ride? Question? Question? Was it the train way? Stomach turning? It's also yours was You've been riding me.