Centennial Hall Dorm

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My friend Nick was a freshman this year, and he lived in a dorm called Centennial Fall, which is in a little quad. That way, call Super Block, which has currently three. There's usually four main freshmen housing dorms there. Your hall is currently under reconstruction, and it's going to be renovated. I believe this coming falls the first year that freshmen will be ableto live in that newly renovated unit. When I was a freshman, I lived in 17th Avenue Dormitory, which is in an awesome location, right across from the tennis and hockey facilities. Even closer to the superblock is for a lot of my classes. At least in Centennial Hall, you have the option of living in a single dorm or in a dorm with a roommate. Centene actually recently renovated their dining hall in 2016. It's one of the newest dining halls on campus, and my friend Eric is gonna give you guys a tour.